Windows 95/98
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How to Disable the 56k Capability on a Modem

US Robotics Sportster (x2 on/V.90 off):ATS32=66
US Robotics Sportster (x2 off/V.90 on):ATS32=34
US Robotics Sportster (x2 off/V.90 off):ATS32=98
US Robotics Sportster (x2 on/V.90 on):ATS32=2

US Robotics Courier (x2 on/V.90 off):ATS58=32
US Robotics Courier (x2 off/V.90 on):ATS58=1
US Robotics Courier (x2 off/V.90 off):ATS58=33
US Robotics Courier (x2 on/V.90 off):ATS58=0

*Non US Robotics Modems will generally respond to US Robotics Sportster Commands.

Rockwell based chipset (V.34 (28.8/33.6) enabled/K56Flex, and V.90 disabled):+MS=11,1
Supra Max K56Flex, V.90 enabled modem (V.90 disabled): &FW2+MS=K56,0
Rockwell HFC chipset (V.34 (28.8/33.6) enabled/K56Flex, and V.90 disabled):+MS=V34
Lucent Technologies chipset (V.90 disabled): -V90=0
Venus chipset (V.90 disabled (K56Flex modems only)): S109=0

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